Happy Monday everyone!
Crazy to
think that we are almost in October . . . well you know what they say . . . time
flies when you are having fun! ;)
Had another great week! We had a Sunday miracle!! We had 6 investigators at church!!
It was crazy!!! We were swamped with people. It was so neat . . . we had one of
our investigators go up and give his testimony . . . he did such an amazing
job! We are so proud of him.
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Dinner Before Transfers |
Just been tying up loose ends before this transfer ends. I am pretty sure that
I will be leaving. I feel like I am needed elsewhere. It’s going to be soooo
hard to leave. I have loved my time here in Hillsboro. I have grown a lot and I
have so much love for the people here! It is bitter sweet . . . sweet for all
that we have accomplished here, the people I have met, and the experiences I have had, but also bitter having to
leave a piece of my heart here. On the bright side though I get to have a new
area with new people and new adventures! ;) That makes everything better!
Now a brief run-down of how the week has been:
On Tues to Weds we were able to finish our last exchange of the transfer. I
went over to Hillsboro with a new missionary, Elder Benesch (from Gilbert AZ).
It was cool to be reminded of when I first was out on my mission. It was crazy
how much I have found myself these past 14 months. I know who I am and I have
learned a ton about who I really am. Cool to see new missionaries begin to find themselves as they lose
themselves in the Lords work! We were able to see several miracles on the
exchange. One, that I can actually chop and stack a ton of wood in my church
clothes ;) (who knew?? haha It was so funny . . . super awkward . . . I was
drenched in sweat and was a mess). Another miracle was that we were able to
find a couple of new investigators as we "Teach where we find, and find
where we teach." It was neat.
On Thurs we finally finished contacting all of
the part member families in the ward! Yay! Then on Friday we had a weird
experience. So we tried contacting an investigator on Weds who wasn't home. We left
a card with our names and number. We received a voice mail later the next day
of him asking us to come over. On Friday evening we stopped by. When we knocked on the door, he swung open the door real fast
making me jump in the process. He invited us to come inside. We did and as I
walked in the house it was super stuffy and reeked of alcohol. It was super
sketchy. We went inside and he burst into tears and opened up to us with the
many struggles he was facing. We talked about the Book of Mormon and how it can
give us peace in this life and how the atonement of Jesus Christ can cleanse us and we can be forgiven of our
sins. He was touched and asked for a priesthood blessing. As I gave him the
blessing we knelt and I could feel how much
heavenly father loved this man even with all of the mistakes he has made.
Afterwords, we left him with a word of prayer and as we did he wept. I felt tears swell up in my eyes as I could picture him kneeling and
weeping at the saviors feet. I then compared this to how we all kneel, weep,
ask, and beg God for forgiveness to do better and to be better. When we were done I gave him a big hug and
told him how much his father in heaven and the savior loves him. He was able to
come to church this past week and we will start teaching him the missionary
On Saturday, we had a stake service opportunity to help out at a women's half marathon.
Our zone was there to be guides and cheerleaders for the passing women. It was
a lot of fun!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week and remember how special they are! I love you all soooo much!
Scripture for the week:
2 Nephi 2:6-8
Wherefore, redemption cometh in
and through the Holy Messiah; for he
is full of grace and truth.
Behold, he offereth himself a
sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of
the law, unto all those who have
a broken heart and a contrite spirit;
and unto none else can the ends
of the law be answered.
Wherefore, how great the
importance to make these things known unto
the inhabitants of the earth,
that they may know that there is no
flesh that can dwell in the
presence of God, save it be through the
merits, and mercy, and grace of
the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his
life according to the flesh, and
taketh it again by the power of the
Spirit, that he may bring to pass
the resurrection of the dead, being
the first that should rise.
Elder Shaw
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Dinner at the Matteson's |
Brother and Sister
Shaw - Bishop Matteson here of the Cornell Ward. Wanted to let you know we
absolutely love your son and the service he is providing for the Lord in our
ward. He has a great testimony and my kids absolutely love him. We're a bit
nervous he will be transferred soon and if he is he will be missed as I'm sure
you're all too aware. This is a recent picture from dinner the other day.
Thanks for supporting your son in the field so he can bless the lives of
Bishop Matteson
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