Trying to take care of myself! Too many appointments!!! ! Just got back from the doctor appointments!
I love my chiropractor! I honestly feel like if these headaches go away it is
because of him!
So the news with the neurologist is that
they are going to put me back on Anitriptiline. I will take it at night before
I go to bed. Then I will try the Advil and Aleeve and see if it will be able to
knock out the headaches. I saw the chiropractor today and will be seeing him
weekly. I love my chiropractor! I
honestly feel like if these headaches go away it is because of what he does! Today
he found a knot on my neck that could be causing my headaches. He adjusted me and did a stimulus. It felt
amazing! Anyways, just taking each day as it comes; trying to get better.
This coming Sunday I get to talk in church! My topic is “Making a Personal Connection
to the Restoration of the Gospel”. Super exciting!
Today for p-day we will be going with some other missionary's to the driving
range and hit golf balls!
Oh! Thank you so much for the Easter package! It made my week! Also the dark
chocolate tasted yummy! The chicken was hilarious! Made me laugh! Brittney!!! I
loved the wand! I put it on my bag so I could have both kinds of magic...oil
and my wand!! haha! I also loved the pictures too! Made me smile.
It was awesome to see pics of you guys! Your Easter dinner was like mine...very
small but great! This Easter we ate at the Gibson's. I call Sister Gibson “Mama
G”! I love that family! The food was great and we left with our tummy's filled up full! Very yummy!
Also I forgot
to tell you....Elder Holland is coming to the mission!!!! He comes on April 25, 2015. Also it was neat
to see and hear from Elder Ballard and Elder Nielsen of the seventy at conference.
I MET THEM!!!! It was sooo cool.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Elder Shaw
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